Quote of the Week 6-10-2024
“Every champion was once a contender who refused to give up.”
Welcome back friends! Longer rant for this post so if you’re here for the Programming feel free to scroll on. For those of you still with me I just want you to take a moment and look at that damn Murph picture with me. That one moment was fifteen years in the making. It makes me think back about the nights I spent sleeping on the gym floor of the old Lake Grove. The uncomfortable conversations with friends turned Coaches that just didn’t work out. The early mornings, late nights, blood, sweat, and tears. Fifteen years is a LONG damn time. Worth it.
A lot has changed in fifteen years. I have seen CrossFit gyms come and go. The next big thing turned to dust many times in front of my eyes. F45, Boxing gyms, HIIT, Bootcamps. All came and went. Now I see owners scrambling to jump on Hydrox. I want to scream- it is not about the modality or methodology, it is not about the branding or the name…it is about the Community. When other gyms invested in ski ergs and twenty airdynes, we threw box night outs and Saturday Mashes. Community over everything.
By far one of the biggest changes I have seen is the astronomical costs of running a box. Little known secret; the rent on my first gym was $800 a month. I had no client management software, our website was hot trash, and I had eight barbells, five rowers, some wallballs, and a dream. Since then my costs have increased by several hundred percent.
In a lot of ways CrossFit is a real estate company- gyms thrive and die on the price of commercial and industrial rents. 2010- industrial rents were cheap as dirt and there was an explosion of CrossFit gyms opening their doors and getting 100 members. Now? Well, you all have seen what has happened to gyms around us.
“Gurus” in the CrossFit space are now suggesting passing along the credit card processing fees to clients, charging “equipment fees” to pay for new items, and, of course, significantly raising tuition rates. Honestly, I get it. When I started a dozen eggs cost a little over a buck, and a gallon of gas was like $2.50. Nothing on the planet offers the same pricing as they did in 2010 except me and Arizona Ice Tea. But there is something special about this. I believe it shows we know how to run a damn business. It should give you great confidence that we will be around for another fifteen years at least. Frankly, I am just getting started. Why don’t you let me know your thoughts HERE about tuition increases- I am all ears.
If you like what we have built, if you look at that Murph picture and get the same feelings I do, there is something you can do for me. Share those feelings. Tell your friends. Get them into a free class and get them on board our Legacy pricing. Just like how this year’s Murph was the biggest and best, together, we can make this year our biggest and best. And from the bottom of my heart- for those of you that get it- THANK YOU!
Week two of our conditioning cycle brings us tons of repeats and barbell cycling. Our goal this week should be to push the engine as hard as possible. Training blocks like these pay so many dividends but like anything else- you only get back what you put in. A no-joke girl “Mary” is going down Tuesday. Drink some damn water people.
Every 30 seconds
For 6 Minutes
3 Clusters
Box Jumps
DB Cluster (CC)
Every 30 seconds
For 6 Minutes
3 Hang C&J
10 Pistols
15 pull-ups
4 Repeats
Rest = Time to Complete
250m Row
Buy In: 800/700m Row
Squat Snatch (CC)
MU (Bar or Ring)
Cash Out: 800/700m Row
Every 30 seconds
For 6 Minutes
3 Bench Press
Devils Press (CC)
Ring Dips
4 Repeats
Rest = Time to Complete
200m Run
4 Rounds
400m Run
5 Right Arm DB OHS
5 Left Arm DB OHS
10 DB Sit-ups
1 Rope Climb